
Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

Scenes + Applets = Shout3D

If you've read What is Shout3D? and taken the Demo Tour, you're ready to try your hand at getting interactive 3D content into a Web page.

To do this, you need a 3D scene file and a Shout3D applet. The scene can be created in any standard 3D modeling and animation package that exports to the VRML 2.0 (.wrl) file format, such as 3D Studio MAX, Lightwave3D or Maya. If the scene is created in 3D Studio MAX, you can export directly to Shout3D's own .s3d format. For this tutorial, we'll give you a simple scene file in .wrl format to work with.

You'll also need an applet. It can be the basic Shout3DApplet or any applet derived from the Shout3DApplet. In this tutorial, we'll only make use of applets that are already provided in your Shout3D installation.

The <APPLET> tag in an HTML page connects a specific applet with a specific scene file. It fixes the size of the applet window, and also sets a number of parameters that affect the way the scene will be displayed.

Let's get started.


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